Monday, March 10, 2008

Faith 缘分Part 1

Did you believe in faith? I do. I always believe that if it is belonging/fate to you not matter how it will eventually come to you. For relationship I do believe on this same concept.

Nowadays society changed girls and guys are in the same equal position girls also can go after guy or make the initiative to start relationship. Will you make the initiative when you meet someone as a girl? My answer is I cannot because my thinking was no matter how girl cannot make the move, girl should have their's own self-esteem/dignity (矜持), if you make the first move guy will not appreciate this relationship because it so easy for them to have you, what if next time anything happen the guy will said you are the one after me so why did you blame me, I totally cannot accept this, am I kolot?

I met one guy about 1.5 years ago and I seriously don't know he treat me as what and what he want. The first time we met each other was very unexpected it was at my sister's wedding I don't whether this is so call fated by god or ???? We never see each other, never chat before but we knew the exist of each other then on the day I 1st saw/met him face to face the introducer not yet said who is he I already automatically said I know who is he, he is so and so. After I called out his name I was so shocked and so do him and he asked me did we meet each other before I said no, I just don't know and cannot understand why I can said he is so and so. After that I just told him his table no. and that is.

One month passed after our first met I suddenly received sms from him, I don't know where the hell he got my no., so I just replied his sms on the question he asked after replied few sms he suddenly asked me out for dinner I kind of shocked but end up I do agreed on the dinner invitation. The dinner was ok and we chat and talk a lot. We do kept in touch after the dinner, sometime through sms and sometime went out for meal.


Dragon said...

your friend will scold u like hell, am i included? wakakakaka.

don't think too much la. but hor, i think u a bit kolot lor... if u really like him hor, then go ahead and ask la. why need to wait there and keep thinking? make your life miserable nia.

sms him and ask!!!

JL said...
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JL said...

Haha I will never ask coz already over, trust me your's friend me can do it, time will heal :P